We Are Helibiz
Helibiz is a family owned Australian business serving the aviation industry since 1994. Helibiz provides a full service to the industry including:
- New & Pre Owned Helicopter Sales – ROBINSON * AIRBUS * BELL * AGUSTA *
- Authorised ROBINSON Dealer (since 1997)
- Spare Parts
- Aircraft Maintenance
- Pilot Flight Training – PPLH, CPLH
- Helicopter Safaris
- Brokerage, Finance & Insurance
In 2006 Helibiz introduced the helicopter safari program, designed for new owners and pilots to participate in a safe flying environment, gaining invaluable experience under the supervision and control of the Helibiz safari team. More than 20,000 safe flying hours have been completed and enjoyed by more than 1,000 participants. Helibiz also introduced the first R44 advanced training course in Australia, created to improve the competency and proficiency of a pilots skill level, incorporating a full understanding of the critical theory elements which a pilot must know. In 2014, the advanced course has been extended to include the R66 and AS350 class helicopters. Contact us for detail.
Helibiz specialise in helicopter sales and training – Helibiz owner Des Davey is also the Company Chief Pilot, Chief Flying Instructor and also is a Flight Examiner…… needless to say when you are considering a helicopter purchase you will be in safe/experienced hands.